Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh defended himself against sexual assault allegations by claiming he was a virgin through high school and beyond.
Kavanaugh broke his silence in an interview with Fox News‘s Martha MacCallum ahead of a likely hearing focusing on Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s allegation that he attempted to rape her during a high school party in the 1980s.
“We’re talking about an allegation of sexual assault,” Kavanaugh said in the interview. “I’ve never sexually assaulted anyone.”
“I did not have sexual intercourse or anything close to sexual intercourse in high school or for many years after that,” he added. “The girls from the schools I attended and I were friends.”
“Through all these years that were in question, you were a virgin?” MacCallum asked.
“That’s correct,” Kavanaugh replied, adding that he never had sex until “many years after” college.
Neither Ford nor his second accuser, Debora Ramirez, have alleged that Kavanaugh had sexual intercourse with them. Ford claimed that Kavanaugh turned up the music in a room and covered her mouth to cover the sound of her screaming as he attempted to rape her. Ramirez claimed that he exposed his penis to her when they were both at Yale.
Kavanaugh told Fox that he does not plan to withdraw from the nomination.
“I’m not going to let false accusations drive us out of this process,” he said.
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