The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) released the “World Fresh Apple, Grape and Pear Market and Trade Report” which shows that as China increased production more than the European Union due to weather reduction, the 2023/24 season of global pear production is expected to increase slightly by 300,000 tons, a total of 25.2 million tons. Higher exports from China and South Africa are expected to boost global shipments by 89,000 tonnes to 1.8 million tonnes. China’s exports are set to rise by more than 20 percent to 500,000 tonnes, well ahead of the European Union and Argentina, the world’s second and third largest.
According to the latest sources, China’s pear production is expected to increase by 600,000 tons to 19.6 million tons, a rebound from last year’s frost-affected production. Good growing conditions in all major producing areas are expected to boost yields and more than offset losses from reduced acreage. Pear acreage continues to decline slowly as policies encourage or require farmers to plant fewer fruit trees. But in areas where pear cultivation is allowed, growers continue to improve cultivation methods and increase yields and quality by investing in new technologies and new varieties. Exports are expected to soar by more than 20 percent to 500,000 tonnes, with increased shipments to key markets, particularly Indonesia and Vietnam. Due to increased production from southern hemisphere suppliers, imports are expected to be slightly above 20,000 tonnes.
Pear production in the EU is expected to fall by 249,000 tonnes to 1.8 million tonnes. This output was similar to the 2021/22 season and was the lowest since the 2005/06 season, mainly due to severe production cuts in Italy, the largest producer. Multiple destructive weather events are expected to reduce crop production in Italy by more than 60%. The reduced supply is expected to reduce exports by 21,000 tonnes to 325,000 tonnes and boost import demand by 30,000 tonnes to 170,000 tonnes.
U.S. production is expected to remain unchanged at 583,000 tons. California increased production for the third year in a row, as did Washington State, but output in Oregon is expected to be offset by increased production due to late flowering and over-concentration of pear trees, as well as fire blight caused by warmer temperatures and rain. Stable supply and improved transportation will drive export growth to key markets Mexico and Canada, with US pear exports expected to increase slightly by 10,000 tonnes to 110,000 tonnes. Imports are expected to rebound to their highest level since the 2014/15 quarter, up 9,000 tonnes to 80,000 tonnes, thanks to higher exports from Argentina and China and, to a lesser extent, from South Korea.
Benefiting from favorable weather conditions, Argentina’s agricultural production is expected to grow for the second consecutive year, increasing by 23,000 tons to 625,000 tons. The industry is still consolidating as growers face rising production costs and shrinking acreage due to urbanization, while an aging workforce leaves production without skilled workers. The increase in export supply will drive shipments to the Northern Hemisphere market, with exports expected to be slightly above 320,000 tonnes.
Production in South Africa is expected to recover slightly from last year’s hail damage, increasing by 10,000 tonnes to 500,000 tonnes due to improved planting conditions. Pear acreage continues to grow but at a slow pace. Input costs and freight costs have reduced profits, and coupled with uncertainty about the future of the canned pear industry, growers are cautious about investing in expanding cultivation. Increased supply and increased demand from the EU are expected to boost exports by 35,000 tonnes to 280,000 tonnes.
Chile’s production is expected to continue its downward trend, with production falling by 10,000 tonnes to 202,000 tonnes due to reduced acreage, and exports expected to fall by another 5,000 tonnes to 105,000 tonnes.
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