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Home Electronics: Technology, News & Trends AppleCare Doesn’t Cover Macs Destroyed by California Wildfires

AppleCare Doesn’t Cover Macs Destroyed by California Wildfires

Apple computer destroyed by fire

Wildfires have raged in California and the Los Angeles area recently, causing a large number of residents to evacuate, homes and personal belongings to be engulfed by the fire, and property losses to be heavy. Residents affected by the Los Angeles wildfires are more likely to be compensated through homeowners insurance if their Mac electronic devices are lost in the fire, rather than relying on AppleCare.

Inadequate Coverage

The wildfires in California and Los Angeles caused residents to evacuate and cause property losses. Many homes, businesses and personal belongings were engulfed by the fire, and thousands of people were affected. When preparing to replace their belongings, Mac users may think that AppleCare will provide protection. However, for fire victims, this situation does not help in the vast majority of cases, and claims through AppleCare are not the best option.

Like many other warranties, repair agreements, and insurance policies, Apple lists the applicable terms and conditions in its AppleCare repair agreement. These terms also apply to iPhones. The terms of the agreement clearly stipulate what is covered and what is not covered. The document not only lists the items that are protected, but also specifically states what is not covered.

The specific circumstances are listed in Section 4, “What is not covered?” Some clauses don’t pertain to fires, like “preventative maintenance” or consumables, but some do apply.

The second section lists damage caused by “accident, abuse, misuse, liquid contact, fire, earthquake, or other external causes.” Of those, “accident,” “fire,” and “liquid contact” are key elements, the latter usually due to firefighting. Even if a Mac salvaged from a fire appears to be in good condition, a request for repair or replacement may be denied.

If you were evacuated as a precaution and your home wasn’t invaded by a fire, your home could be a target for theft. Again, the “not covered” listing in the agreement says it can’t handle “lost or stolen” hardware. “This plan only covers devices that are returned to Apple in good condition,” the statement reads. AppleCare also doesn’t cover “lost or stolen” situations.

Check Your Insurance

For most users, a claim through insurance is a more viable path. Mac users with up-to-date homeowners or renters insurance should be able to file a claim for their hardware and other personal belongings. This advice also applies to those traveling in the area. If you have travel insurance for your trip, there will usually be a clause that explains what to do if your belongings are damaged or lost. While AppleCare doesn’t help Mac users much in terms of fire damage, it’s worth noting that it’s not a comprehensive insurance plan. The purpose of AppleCare is to ensure that you are covered when common problems occur with your Mac. For other issues, insurance should provide more comprehensive coverage.

For users affected by the disaster, a more feasible route is to claim through home insurance or renter insurance. Whether it is a Mac device for personal use or a Mac used for business purposes, as long as the user has the corresponding property insurance, you can try to claim through the insurance company.

Other Support

Although AppleCare does not cover fire losses, Apple is still supporting users affected by the disaster in other ways. For example, in natural disaster areas identified by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Apple Card users can apply for delayed payments. By contacting the Apple Card support team, users can skip a payment without paying additional interest. In addition, Apple is also donating to “support victims and field recovery efforts” under its usual emergency measures.

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